I was surprised when my friend Erlie brought Lay’s Stax during our Laiya trip. It was not the Lay’s that I grew up with. It actually gave me the idea that it was developed to compete with Pringles because of their similarities in shape and thickness. I recalled eating almost half of the contents of the canister because I was really tired from cooking our dinner. I have to admit that I prefer Pringles over Lay’s Stax. And yes, I miss the oil of my favorite Lay’s!
Boyet surprised me a few days ago when he took this out of his backpack.
I honestly think that nori in potato chips is an absurd idea. I laughed when I saw Pringles’ seaweed flavor from the grocery racks. I love maki but the thought of eating nori all by itself makes me cringe. I opened the plastic bag and saw the small green sprinkles over the potato chips. I already had the assumption that the potato chips would have a fishy and salty taste. But it was surprisingly on the sweet side!
It was good but I wasn’t crazy over it. And still, I want my original oily Lay’s! ^_^
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