After our very short stint at the Bell House, we asked Kuya Roy to drive us to the Our Lady of the Lourdes Grotto. If I remember it correctly, this is how Jeff said it to Kuya Roy, “Grotto na grotto. Grotto, grotto”. It was as if he was so relieved that it was our last stop for the day. :p
When we reached the place, I was ready to faint. I didn’t think at that moment that I could get on top. And I wondered why Baguio seems to be obsessed with stairs. Before going up, we saw some vendors selling different colors of candles. Apparently, each color represents a certain wish just like peace of mind, wealth, career, etc. I could not make up my mind on what to wish for so I bought all 9 colors. Hehe!
Except for the occasional catching of my breath, it was so amazing that I didn’t feel any pain upon reaching the top.
The place is so surreal. I was close to the clouds which gave me the feeling that I was closer to God. I lit all nine candles and prayed as hard as I could that I was almost in tears after praying.
je! i love your jacket! akin na lang! haha! yun talaga pinansin ko eh no? :-P