That’s the devil me with the phantom Mike. I know it should have been a halo for me. Anyway, I was so surprised to see how Halloween became so hyped up in the Philippines. I saw kids inside our building, along Ayala and in Glorietta all dressed up in adorable costumes. I don’t remember doing the same when I was a child. So technically, it was my first Halloween celebration. As soon as the kids left, we all ransacked the leftover candies for the Trick or Treat. It was a good thing that we enjoyed the afternoon Trick or Treat because I was so disappointed with what I had on lunch that day. We went to Mom & Tina’s Bakery Café in Legaspi Village. I had their lasagna and their two types of tortes: dark toblerone walnut and mango walnut. The lasagna was fine but not exceptional. It wasn’t bad but we just thought that Greenwich’s lasagna tastes better. Yeah I know, my taste buds are weird. Or maybe because the last lasagna I had was the one from Xtremely Xpresso which was so delicious? Anyway, I didn’t enjoy the dessert that’s why I didn’t take any photos. Hehe!
The following day, we went to the cemetery in observance of the All Saints’ Day. I still wonder why people go on November 1 instead of November 2 which is the All Souls’ Day. After paying tribute and offering prayers to our departed loved ones, we decided to have lunch at Tempura Grill in Robinson’s Place. My mom was a little hesitant because she was disappointed when my brother brought her and my dad in Tokyo Tokyo. She claimed that there was no shrimp on the tempura that they ordered. Of course she was just exaggerating. Bottom line is she generalized that Japanese restaurants suck! But since democracy rules in our family, the three of us overpowered her single vote. It was my first time in Tempura Grill and my taste buds were rejoicing. My dad did the choosing of food that’s why I do not know what these are called. So just look at the photos and see for yourself. :)
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