I'm so plurked!

I have never been a big fan of social networking sites. Those who know how to use a computer have Friendster, hi5, Multiply and now, Facebook. I hate to admit that I am a little lazy maintaining these things. I only have a Friendster account mainly because it was one of the earliest to come out. And I remember having my account dormant for almost two years. Hehe! But just recently, I created a blogspot account to hold my own blog site. I was initially writing blogs in Friendster. But I figured out that the space will not be enough for me. I love to write. That’s why I’d rather spend time writing about anything than uploading pictures or snooping on someone else’s account on those social networking sites. And just recently, I discovered Plurk. Aside from being a social networking site, Plurk is also a tool for “micro blogging”. You know those times when you want to say something but you are running out of words? Or those days when you only want to write one-liner things? Or just the thought of shouting out whatever that comes out of your mind? Then, go plurking! I love it because it gives me a form of relief especially during times that I get a little bitchy. So there are no risks for me of bursting into an outrage because I can plurk. Hehe! It is also amazing how you get “Karma” points each time you plurk, or you get a response on your plurks, or you get to recruit new plurkers. You get a chance to enjoy plurking because of new emoticons that you can use which make the plurking experience more fun! I’m so plurked!

Come and plurk with me! :)

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