A once in a lifetime opportunity came knocking at my door but instead of being excited, I was really hesitant. I even got sick the day before my flight. My dad told me that it’s probably anxiety because I didn’t want to go and leave them. This is my first out-of-the-country trip and also the first time that I’m away from my family for this long.
I had to survive a grueling 23-hour travel time with stopovers at Narita and Portland. It was nice though that I am with a travel companion who at least made the situation a little bearable. I wasn’t excited at all even if it was my first time to be in an airplane because I started missing Boyet and my family the moment I entered NAIA. :(
Our first stop Narita Airport is unbelievable. It won’t give you the feeling that you’re in an airport at all. It somehow relieves the initial homesickness that I felt a few hours after leaving Manila.
Portland and MSP are both nice too. I hate to say this but NAIA does not even come close to any of these airports. And to think that passengers need to pay the PHP750 terminal fee. They say that the new NAIA terminal is much better. But I’m still hoping that they do something with terminal 1 since it houses international flights.
My flight with Delta was flawless, aside from the 15-minute turbulence before we reached Narita. Food was also superb! Their flight attendants are all friendly and accommodating. Red and I were lucky enough to have seats near the emergency exits because we could at least extend our legs. I know that there is an extra responsibility that comes along with that comfort so I was really praying throughout the flight that the use of the exit would be unnecessary.
My heart was really breaking so I didn’t have the energy to take pictures. I only took a few at Portland.
I am still adjusting but I feel so much better now. Thank God for Skype! :)
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