But things are different with my parents. My dad is the slowest shopper among us! Just like when we went out last Sunday to buy a blender as a gift for my lola’s birthday. After we purchased the blender, my dad told us that he wanted to buy a hair gel. He’s been switching gels every once in a while and he still hasn’t figured out what he really wants to buy. So we went to the department store, beauty shops and some boutiques in search of hair gel. And where did we end up? Bench! The exact same place he buys his hair gel.
Colognes and perfumes are overflowing in the store. It’s been a long time since I bought a Bench product for myself. But I could vividly remember saving off my school allowance so I could buy their bubble gum scented cologne. And I’ve used Bench Eight for a long time. And buying a Bench perfume is like going back to basics. I think I have patronized Victoria’s Secret for a long time already. As my dad was examining every single hair gel at Bench, one of their products got my attention.

It’s the pink ribbon that made me look twice at this product. It has long symbolized support to women who are battling breast cancer. I have to admit that I was willing to buy the perfume without even smelling it. But as soon as I tried it, there was no way but to buy it over the scents inspired by Lucy Torres and Kris Aquino. Part of the sales of Inspire (I think same with Faith) goes to the Pink for Life Foundation. It is a non-profit organization that helps breast cancer patients with their chemotherapy expenses. The cause was my main reason for buying it and the nice scent was only a very good bonus for me. I tried putting it early in the morning but I could still smell it after a long day’s work. When I put aside the blouse I used the other day, the smell was still left behind. The scent reminds me of something simple, unsophisticated and vibrant. I am not describing myself, right?
Try it. Or just smell me? Hehe! Again, part of the sales goes out to the Pink for Life Foundation. Get it for only Php398. You do one good deed by just smelling good. Sometimes, kindness is just as easy as 1-2-3.
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