Just before entering, I blurted out a very stupid question of “Anong meron dyan?” Of course they have steaks! Silly me! The restaurant stood by its name. They offer steaks with lots and lots of pepper!
I took lots of pictures but for some odd reason, all were blurry. (Is it a sign that I need a new digicam?) Huhu! Food was not extraordinary but our experience was. Here’s why. When one of the waiters served the first installment of Jeff’s and Joie’s orders, I saw something slowly dripping off to the floor. Apparently, it was the steak’s gravy! He apologized to Jeff and wiped the mess he made. Then minutes later Jeff’s steak almost fell to the ground when another crew member lost grip of the sizzling plate. It was a good thing that Jeff has the innate reflexes of an “action star” which made him move out of the “danger zone” so quickly.
I was really full after eating my Chicken Steak while also savoring Boyet’s Hamburg and Shrimp.
We roamed around Trinoma and went to Timezone after lunch. And just before going home, we decided to have desserts. Hehe! Someone recommended Max Brenner to Jeff. I choose to conceal the identity of that person but let’s just call him TANG! Anyways, Joie and I decided to try their cheesecake. I had blueberry while Joie had the New York.
I have the bias for cheesecakes. Max Brenner’s was tasty but Joie and I kept on comparing it with NYFD’s and Secret Recipe’s.
It was a good way to satisfy my sugar cravings but something was missing. And I couldn’t figure it out. Maybe because I had this hunch that Max Brenner...
is the alter ego of Tang? Or reincarnation? Spot the difference!
Peace Tang! You know that I want to savor the last few days that I can make fun of you. This is probably the last wave of it. I’m surely going to miss you… and your peculiar food preference (Cyma and now Max Brenner and The Sizzlin’ Pepper Steak).
Joie, I know you are reading this nonsense blog of mine. Please don’t think that I didn’t enjoy this adventure because I certainly did! Especially the go-go-ball in Timezone and Jeff’s “stunts” this lunch. Let's just blame Tang for the failed food trip! :p I’m hoping for a third time! :) :) :)
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